
kksfbc child completion

Session or job spins on 'kksfbc child completion' wait [ID 1354066.1]

Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to - Release: 10.2 to 10.2
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Session or job spins on 'kksfbc child completion' wait.  There may also be a wait on kksSearchChildList and or cursor: pin S.

The system state and or errorstack may show following stack:

<- ksdxfdmp <- ksdxcb <- sspuser <- kksSearchChildList <- kksfbc <- kkspbd0


The stack matches following bug:

Bug:6795880 Session spins / OERI after 'kksfbc child completion' wait - superceded (Note 6795880.8)

Bug 6795880 is superseded by the following bug:

Bug:8575528 Missing entries in V$MUTEX_SLEEP.location (Note 8575528.8)


1. Apply bug patch 8575528

2. To enable this fix the following parameter must be set explicitly in spfile or init.ora before instance startup:
"_cursor_features_enabled" = 10

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